Friday, November 1, 2024

Personal Investor Lab on cryptocurrency

CoinMarketCap API is supported to retrieve the market price. History can be retrieved from Google Finance or Yahoo Finance. To track cryptocurrency, please follow the steps below:

1. Configure the lab - enter the crypto link, select CoinMarketCap and enter your API key. 

2.  On the Dashboard sheet, enter the cryptocurrency ticker used by Google Finance formula. 

3. Select the cryptocurrency cell and run the Renew dashboard function from custom menu. The history will be saved in the Cache sheet.

4. Change the ticker to CoinMarketCap format and input the currency name.

5. Enter cryptocurrency to Activity sheet.

6. On the Dashboard sheet, select any range to run the Renew dashboard function. The Listed Holdings will show the cryptocurrency. When running the Refresh holding price function, the CoinMarketCap API prices will be retrieved and linked to the site.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

One-tap Sign-in page migration

To provide better service, the web hosting "" has been successfully migrated to "". 

In the old browser address, please change "" to "" for going to the new sign-in page.

If you are the host, please use the add-on Set up web app function to share the new link.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Comfort Attendance self check-in by scanning QR code

Attendees who have registered their Google accounts can self check-in by scanning a QRC posted by host.

The add-on has a  new function called Configure self-check which will generate the QRC URL link. The URL will return a welcome message or a PDF link to invitees.

Host can limit the self check-in time. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Comfort Attendance web app setup procedures

For the first time to set up a web app on an attendance Google sheet, Google has quite a number of steps to protect and to secure the sheet. Once complete, the sheet can be used for future date attendance.

Please be patient to follow the steps below. If you have any queries, please email for support. 

1. If Comfort Attendance is not installed, go to Google Workspace Marketplace to install it.

2. Comfort Attendance can be activated on existing attendance sheet. The procedure below is on a new attendance sheet. On Google drive, click the + New.

3. Click Google Sheets to open an Untitled spreadsheet.


4.Click Extensions, move cursor to Comfort Attendance which will open up the custom menu. Click the Set up web app function.

5. Select a template.

6. Sample data will be populated. Wait for the sidebar to display and follow step-by-step.

7. Input the spreadsheet name will be become the web app attendance page title. Press the Enter key.

8. If Step 2 is displayed, do the following:

    (a) click Enable.

    (b) Click Google Apps Script API.

    (c) Review the Google message. Click the right side of the dot to swith on.

    (d) Click Create.

9. It is almost done! For the scripts that have just been created to the attendance sheet, Google requires authorization to access the sheet.

    (a) Click Authorize which will open up a new window.

    (b) On the new window, wait for the Comfort Att custom menu to display. If browser disabled the pop-up of new window, re-open the attendance sheet and wait for the custom menu.

    (c) Click Comfort Att and then click Authorize.


    (d) Web app runs on native scripts. The previous authorization allows this add-on to insert the native web app scripts into your sheet. You can submit your native scripts to Google for verification if you are sharing the native scripts with others, which will take some time, or you can proceed with the advanced option as in this page. To understand more, please refer to Google App Verification

Review the Google message and click OK.


    (e) Choose your account

    (f) Review the Google message which is on the new attendance sheet. Click Advanced.
    (g) Review the Google message and click Go to xxx (unsafe) where xxx is your sheet. 

    (h)  Review the Google message and click Continue.

    (i) The scripts inside the new attendance sheet will update the sheet and use external service for web access. Review the Google message and click Allow.

10. Back in the new window, click the Deploy function to deploy your authorized web app scripts to internet.       

11.  Click the Open button to open the host's sign-up web page and bookmark this host's link for re-entry. 

Congratulations! You have finished all the setup steps to create a web app on an attendance sheet that you can the the link to greeter and welcome attendees. 

The steps below are for testing the web app.

1. From the web app link, click Continue as for One Tap sign in.

2. Click on name to mark attendance. Linked attendees are shown on the right for taking attendance if they arrive together.

3. Try different icons to explore the web app.

4. Try different add-on functions to customize the web app for additional needs which include taking attendance by QR code.

5. After testing, change the demo data attendance sheet to real data, use the share iconto send the web app URL to greeters for welcoming attendees. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Comfort Attendance has been approved for publication on the Google Workspace Marketplace

A new Google sheet add-on Comfort Attendance has been approved by the Google Workspace Marketplace today.

The approval came a few hours before my lovely cat Comfort went to heaven. May her love be with every greeters! The original add-on name Service Attendance is renamed to Comfort Attendance in memory of her who had been with me on developing the add-ons here. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Personal Investor Lab has been approved for publication on the Google Workspace Marketplace

A new Google sheet add-on Personal Investor Lab has been published. The aim of this add-on is for personal investor to test and learn direct investing.

User enters the stocks and alert settings. This add-on will get market prices and check for each stock.

If user enters activities, the gain/loss will be updated.

Friday, May 10, 2024

One Link Sign-up web app set up procedures

For the first time to set up a web app on a sign-up Google sheet, Google has quite a number of steps to protect and to secure the sheet. Once complete, you can use the sheet for future sign-up without all the steps.

Please be patient to follow the steps below. If you have any queries, please email for support. 

1. If One Link Sign-up is not yet installed, go to Google Workspace Marketplace to install it.

2. On Google drive, click + New.

3. Click Google Sheets to open an Untitled spreadsheet.


4.Click Extensions, move cursor to One Link Sign-up and click Set up web app.

5. Select a template.

6. Sample data will be populated. Wait for the sidebar to display.

7. Follow the steps in sidebar to input the spreadsheet name which will become the web app sign-up page title. Press the Enter key.

8. If Step 2 is displayed, do the following:

    (a) click Enable.

    (b) Click Google Apps Script API.

    (c) Review the Google message. Click the right-hand side of the white dot to swith on.

    (d) Click Create which will create native scripts in the sign-up sheet for web sign up.

9. The web app is almost ready. For the native scripts that have just been created in the sign-up sheet, Google requires another authorization. You can submit your native scripts to Google for verification, which will take some time, or you can proceed with the advanced path below. 

    (a) Click Authorize which will open up a new window.

    (b) On the new window, wait for the 1L Sign-up custom menu to display. If browser disabled the pop-up of new window, re-open the sign-up sheet and wait for the custom menu.

    (c) Click the 1L Sign-up and then click Authorize.


    (d) Web app runs on native scripts. The previous authorization allows this add-on to insert the native web app scripts into your sheet. 

Review the Google message and click OK.


    (e) Choose your account
    (f) If you want to share the native scripts which have been created in your sign-up sheet, you can submit to Google for verification. If not, you can proceed with the Advanced option which will show the scope of authroization in later steps. To understand more, please refer to Google App Verification
    (g) Click Go to xxx (unsafe) where xxx is your sheet. 

    (h)  Click Continue.

    (i) The native scripts need authorization to update the sign-up sheet and use external service for web access to the sign-up sheet. Click Allow.

10. Back in the new window, click Deploy.       

11.  Click link or alt link to open the host's sign-up web page. Bookmark this host's link for re-entry. 

Congratulations! You have finished all the setup steps to create a web app on a sign-up sheet. 

The steps below are for testing the web app online sign-up.

1. On the host's sign-up web page, sign in from Google One Tap.

2. From the host view, click Open one link sign-up for all posts. To select posts, click Tips and enter data to the Select field for setting one link to invitees.
3. The sign-up page from one link is displayed. Bookmark this link for testing sign-up. 

4. After testing, replace the demo sign-up sheet data with real data, use the share icon  to share out the link for sign-ups. 

Enjoy getting your sign-up on Google sheet.